1. Bed management: keeping cow bedding dry is essential to prevent mammary infections.
A humid environment can encourage the growth of bacteria and increase the risk of mastitis.
Therefore, when it comes to the Compost Barn system, for example, it is recommended to keep the humidity of the bed at around 60% to avoid breast health problems.
2. Prepare the cow well for milking: before milking it is important to properly prepare the cows, ensuring good hygiene.
This includes cleaning and disinfecting the teats before milking, removing dirt and residue that could contaminate the milk.
3. Well-regulated milking machine: a well-regulated milking machine will guarantee efficient and safe milking.
It is important to make sure that milking equipment is calibrated and properly maintained to avoid teat injuries and ensure adequate milk extraction.
4. Vaccinations: appropriate vaccinations can help improve the animal’s immune response, reducing severity and clinical signs.
5. Avoid overcrowding: overcrowding can increase stress in cows and depress their immune system.
Furthermore, overcrowded facilities have greater deposition of waste, which makes it difficult to maintain the hygiene of the facilities, maintain the humidity of the bed, among others.