How to Download the Dairy Ration NASEM 2021 Software

Are you eager to explore the latest advancements in dairy cow nutrition? Look no further than the NASEM 2021 software, developed by the National Research Council (NRC) based on extensive research. This software, derived from the acclaimed Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle Eighth Revised Edition, NASEM 2021 book, offers a cutting-edge platform for formulating diets tailored to dairy cows’ nutritional needs. In this article, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to download and install the NASEM 2021 software, ensuring you’re equipped to harness its full potential.

NOTE: The Software download link on the official website is not working, so we have made the software available in our backup. Click here to download the NASEM 2021 software.

Accessing the NASEM 2021 Software

  1. Go to Begin by visiting, the official website of the National Academies Press.
  2. Search for Dairy: Utilize the site’s search function to locate the Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle Eighth Revised Edition, NASEM 2021 book.
  3. Download Instructions: Find and download the instructions for downloading the NASEM 2021 software.
  4. Choose the Correct Link: Depending on your operating system (Windows 10 or Windows 11), select the appropriate download link provided in the instructions.
  5. Download the Software: Access the latest update of the software via the provided link, and initiate the download process.

Installing the NASEM 2021 Software

  1. Unzip the File: Once the download is complete, locate the compressed file in your designated downloads folder. Unzip the file to extract its contents.
  2. Initiate Installation: Double-click on the extracted file to begin the installation process.
  3. Follow Installation Prompts: Navigate through the installation wizard, following the on-screen prompts to specify installation preferences and finalize the setup.
  4. Configure System Settings: To ensure compatibility, adjust your Windows settings to English (United States) format, particularly date, time, and region settings.
  5. Launch the Software: Upon successful installation, launch the dairy ration NASEM 2021 software by double-clicking on its icon.
  6. Accept Terms of Use: Prior to accessing the software, review and accept the terms of use presented during the initial launch.

Exploring the NASEM 2021 Software

  1. Loading a Diet or Simulation: Utilize the software’s functionality to load pre-existing diets or simulations, or create custom formulations tailored to your specific requirements.
  2. Navigating the Interface: Familiarize yourself with the software’s interface and features, ensuring you’re equipped to leverage its full potential for optimizing dairy cow nutrition.


With the dairy ration NASEM 2021 software installed and configured on your system, you’re well-positioned to delve into the realm of cutting-edge dairy cow nutrition. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or an aspiring enthusiast, this powerful tool promises to revolutionize your approach to formulating diets and enhancing herd health.

